Another rounding lesson.
I’ve added a load of whiteboard work with this one. I really think mini whiteboards are the best place to deal with this kind of stuff.
Again, I’m trying to use more things like number grids in my examples.
This defiantly needs another little activity, but I haven’t quite worked out what that should be. Tweet me @ticktockmaths if you have some suggestions.
I used to wait until these where comprehensive before posting them but I think it’s better to publish something barebones and build on it throughout the years.
Maybe I’ll look at putting some SATs questions in there at some point.
Some notes
The other week I published an Order of Operations ppt, and I forgot that Jo Morgan has done an AMAZING topics in depth video on it here. Great stuff. I need to make sure I’m rechecking a lot of these before I make my lessons. I love these things. The exam boards/the DofE should provide these videos for every topic. They’re incredible.
I was reminded about them because I’ve started a new job, in a new country. It’s scary stuff, but I now have a bit of a commute. I’ve been listening to the Mr Barton Maths podcast on the way to and from work. These podcasts are so good. I’m loving finding room for them again.
Until next Friday