Recycled Assumptions
Recycled Assumptions Interesting article on the idea of ‘school reform’ as it’s presented in the press. Well worth reading.
Recycled Assumptions Interesting article on the idea of ‘school reform’ as it’s presented in the press. Well worth reading.
So I made some starters. You can find them here. The file name says ’25 starters’ but there’s actually more than fifty of them. I got carried away. There are some of the normal numeracy starters in this pack, but I’ve also tried to add unique and interesting ideas that can be used over and… Read More »
This is really cool! The Pythagorean Theorem has been proved many times, and probably will be proven many more times. But only one proof was made by a United States President. Five years before James A Garfield was elected president, he came up with a proof that involves a simple sheet of paper and some… Read More »
This is a really interesting post and well worth a read. I’m not sure I agree with all of it. I especially hate it when anyone refers to pupils as ‘customers’, but it really got me thinking, and that’s always a good thing.
A while ago, Chris Moyles had a TV show called ‘Quiz Night’. Part of the program was a maths quiz, done by various pop acts (including, shudder, One Direction). A lot of these are available on YouTube, so I collected them all together to make a convenient playlist. Here it is I’ve used these a… Read More »
I am a fairly traditional teacher. I believe that people learn by doing, and people learn mathematical processes by doing them. However, doing a hundred questions is dull, so I’m always looking for ways to make a simple worksheet more interesting and involving. Here are a few ideas I’ve collected over the years and my… Read More »
The current Mathematics GCSE is quite a difficult subject to learn and a very difficult subject to teach, but I often feel that people don’t quite appreciate the subtleties of why this is. The subject is broken up into lots of different, discrete skills (sometimes these skills are related to other skills, sometimes they’re not)… Read More »
A lot of maths is done at desks, in rows. I am guilty of this (I often find that if students are sat in groups of four, there is a little too much room for them to ‘hide’). However, going out of the classroom and into the real world is often really powerful. I was… Read More »