Author Archives: Richard


If you’ve ever used either Quizdom or the ActivInspire voting paddles, you’ll realise that they’re quite good for assessment and for plenaries. Unfortunately they have a few draw backs. For one, most schools don’t have many sets (the voting paddles are expensive) and the equipment is often bulky. This is really inconvenient when you simply want… Read More »

KenKen Puzzles

Since finding this on TES, I’ve become midly obsessed with KenKen puzzles. They are like Sudoku (which I already think is fantastic at developing the kind of maths skills I want to see) but much more mathematcally involved. There’s a load of these puzzles on the linked PowerPoints, or you can just Google ‘KenKen’.

Favourite Maths Website

This website contains loads of flash presentations on both foundation and higher revision topics. I used it with my year 11s and they loved it. Presents it as a game and times them in doing questions.

Maths in the media

Tenants shun Shard – leaving Europes first vertical city up in the air | Art and design | The Guardian. There’s at least 3 lessons in the first 4 paragraphs of this article.

OFSTED whiplash

OFSTED whiplash Wilshaw would like to see the government reintroduce external testing at the end of key stage 1 and at key stage 3. He said: “Talk to any good headteacher and they will tell you it was a mistake to abolish those tests. If we are serious about raising standards and catching up with… Read More »

Logic Puzzles

Recently I’ve been using a lot of Logic Puzzles from the Printable Puzzles website. They’re a really fantastic way to get students thinking, and to get them to use logic. They also help reading two way tables. You can get the last four days worth of puzzles for free (which is perfect for teachers) and… Read More »

Misleading Graphs

I was shown this corker of a graph recently. The scales there are wonderfully deceptive. I love a good misleading graph. They’re really good for generating discussion, especially when you delve into the difference between a graph merely being wrongly created and a graph that’s been deliberately manipulated to be misleading, as this one has.… Read More »