Monthly Archives: October 2017

Solving Linear Equations

ProjectALessons These are lessons to be taken ‘off the shelf’. Each ppt contains an explanation, several different tasks, a problem solving task and a learning check. These require no printing. These were the first ‘ProjectALessons’ I did, so the quality may not be as great as some others. I think I will edit these with… Read More »

This blog is back from the dead

I went to Mathsconf13 at the weekend. It was a lot of fun. I would highly recommend attending one. I will be the first to admit that I am not always the most well-behaved during CPD time. I often find it difficult to see the purpose, and it’s often way too generic to be useful.… Read More »

Rounding and Estimating

ProjectALessons These are lessons to be taken ‘off the shelf’. Each ppt contains an explanation, several different tasks, a problem solving task and a learning check. These require no printing. Bounds: Includes error intervals (new to GCSE). Calculations with bounds: Lots of practice .   Practice   Assess


ProjectALessons These are lessons to be taken ‘off the shelf’. Each PowerPoint contains an explanation, several different tasks, a problem solving task and a learning check. These require no printing. Angles at a point on a straight line and right angles: With these PowerPoints I focused on drawing the shape in GeoGebra so that each… Read More »

Standard Form

Download link: Writing Numbers In Standard Form This is an embedded <a target=”_blank” href=”” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Microsoft Office</a> presentation, powered by <a target=”_blank” href=”” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>Office</a>. Includes examples on writing in Standard Form for both big and small numbers plus exercises.

Basic Number

ProjectALessons These are lessons to be taken ‘off the shelf’. Each PowerPoint contains an explanation, several different tasks, a problem solving task and a learning check. These require no printing. Add and Subtract Numbers: Add and subtract whole numbers. Big emphasis on language and speedy calculation. Multiplication : Multiply multi digit numbers. Focuses on speed ‘tricks’… Read More »


ProjectALessons These are lessons to be taken ‘off the shelf’. Each ppt contains an explanation, several different tasks, a problem solving task and a learning check. These require no printing. Equivalent Fractions: Find an equivalent fraction. Mixed Numbers: Converting to and from mixed numbers. Adding Fractions: Add two or more fractions Multiply and divide fractions:… Read More »

Factors And Multiples

ProjectALessons These are lessons to be taken ‘off the shelf’. Each PowerPoint contains an explanation, several different tasks, a problem solving task and a learning check. These require no printing. Properties of Number: Recognise a prime number.Find the factors and multiples of a number. Squares and Cubes: Find a square, a cube, a square root… Read More »